Saturday, December 31, 2005

Observation: Earth From The Moon

caption: The color photograph of Earthrise - taken by Apollo 8 astronaut, William A. Anders. December 24,1968. Although the photograph is usually mounted with the moon below the earth, this is how Anders saw it. Photo taken from

Hear now my observation from the circle. At least an observation from last summer. I realized that the Apollo astronauts were on the moon long enough to see Earthrise but not long enough to see the waxing and waning of the planet. I realized that the earth does this but it looks different than you might suspect. When the moon is waxing, the earth is waning. The Full Moon sees a New Earth. The New Moon sees a Full Earth. Now at the time of the waxing moon, it is the time of the waning earth.

On this blog you are witnessing a first. The first pagan to keep track of moon/earth phases. Our moon is proportionately speaking, the largest in the solar system. We are not living on a planet that happens to have a moon as much as we are living on half of a double planet. This is why I started to list moon/earth phases in the esbat notes.


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